Эта таблица уникальна тем, что обладает фиксированными и "прилипающими" горизонтальными и вертикальными блоками, это обеспечиват удобную работу с большим обьемом данных. Вы также имеете возможность настроить количество фиксируемых строк и столбцов в зависимости так, как вам надо
ice | tomorrow | star | divide | day | article | lady | officer | cry | unless | nose | hello | flight | feet | spend | favorite | shade | thread | buy | lack | sweet | facing | short | therefore | wrapped | shoot | most | another | studied | post |
sat | earth | caught | canal | lungs | customs | nervous | condition | mice | against | tail | bell | bus | swam | point | manner | instant | easy | gift | silence | coach | wood | figure | create | last | explanation | tool | act | wonder | production |
notice | represent | hurried | species | shown | be | natural | silence | population | pressure | east | family | courage | gift | pile | indicate | settlers | nice | imagine | molecular | log | dog | base | shorter | valuable | personal | short | feathers | happen | cattle |
men | aboard | create | walk | detail | active | symbol | skill | element | brain | opinion | announced | gain | city | apart | alike | will | cage | loud | mountain | old | design | zero | time | free | west | our | surprise | month | |
became | enemy | grass | rest | take | speed | theory | pole | opportunity | colony | early | pupil | anyway | race | strange | very | simply | them | screen | asleep | planned | pole | aboard | foot | old | path | grain | slept | whenever | day |
highest | sport | pile | scared | fewer | song | similar | kept | continued | to | produce | bicycle | stiff | frame | cannot | managed | split | row | barn | dinner | happen | temperature | glad | open | opposite | kept | capital | fair | frequently | busy |
officer | date | no | struck | quiet | earlier | lake | nine | produce | imagine | aside | everyone | brave | check | fur | motor | forgotten | smile | eaten | rest | blow | information | peace | lost | slide | experiment | badly | best | browserling | answer |
settlers | tide | hair | tears | fill | eat | somehow | wrote | rope | full | more | led | car | gas | apple | vessels | bend | suppose | loose | product | factor | opportunity | hay | vapor | paint | particularly | officer | soft | rate | onto |
show | pair | flies | day | affect | each | pound | plates | bee | structure | limited | history | ourselves | adult | porch | native | been | hill | room | experiment | hunt | cause | copper | railroad | movie | supply | gift | percent | part | pond |
nearly | public | all | attached | youth | among | any | shorter | taste | service | verb | composition | bridge | combination | tail | worried | step | themselves | warm | evening | doll | alike | square | nuts | interest | interior | call | tin | happen | structure |
ordinary | area | tried | tongue | lamp | ill | offer | thin | fox | son | would | cow | higher | form | around | toy | live | went | lion | serious | factor | twenty | effort | rapidly | studying | sky | setting | involved | finish | yourself |
enter | floor | spoken | manner | solid | chest | factor | angle | bag | aside | without | ate | verb | gently | test | belong | space | modern | beyond | famous | until | ahead | experience | rocky | rose | tail | progress | beat | term | week |
frog | now | develop | speak | exchange | yellow | deep | field | impossible | be | concerned | dangerous | mixture | highest | least | syllable | dish | paint | tightly | toward | snow | shine | headed | bicycle | live | yes | tie | rich | sink | so |
support | look | lunch | apartment | business | both | now | strange | modern | hospital | mean | blanket | that | flew | space | stared | animal | frozen | cabin | motor | ear | best | wealth | practice | birth | led | noise | came | quietly | |
my | nearby | handle | touch | cry | eager | sheet | every | week | weigh | kill | thank | dirty | thousand | range | block | disease | company | tonight | atmosphere | see | boy | alike | natural | curve | tales | special | adventure | adventure | wagon |
at | primitive | canal | adult | level | when | birthday | choice | itself | power | upon | inside | climate | bean | joined | nor | way | free | ship | most | combine | we | around | appearance | protection | third | leaf | cave | hall | flies |
dry | arrow | put | though | brass | strong | gold | western | love | flow | buffalo | cake | steep | business | even | upon | than | saw | particular | let | allow | perfectly | ever | simply | planning | bank | thousand | apple | stop | clearly |
system | spirit | community | degree | nature | widely | curious | fight | happened | after | magic | them | underline | beat | exchange | running | tie | provide | many | roof | or | since | history | offer | three | fully | seen | top | however | too |
move | environment | only | rising | equally | scared | bright | part | happen | think | nuts | herself | gate | develop | these | is | stomach | welcome | meet | slave | forgot | red | introduced | steel | thirty | try | clearly | score | prepare | cost |
middle | including | cheese | sit | cover | split | engineer | met | troops | weight | least | gather | sky | experience | tight | old | mood | fully | loud | ought | too | melted | social | largest | same | beat | somewhere | desert | first | doing |
stick | leaf | ocean | invented | victory | tongue | along | cake | breathe | buy | mighty | lost | bear | afraid | sugar | popular | fish | discuss | upon | land | nearer | please | closely | maybe | huge | vote | mirror | basis | duck | observe |
top | separate | bad | single | west | animal | western | are | later | complete | goes | stream | light | pull | together | damage | voyage | pure | hand | excellent | appearance | express | however | medicine | better | piece | southern | express | science | graph |
equal | metal | buffalo | machinery | mirror | plant | especially | shallow | suggest | quickly | exactly | split | plenty | conversation | further | onlinetools | needed | obtain | break | butter | series | pretty | birds | by | soon | layers | bear | scientific | support | chemical |
nearer | dust | scientist | sit | before | youth | husband | simplest | pie | iron | myself | outside | each | anyway | book | there | folks | newspaper | come | barn | make | mother | flame | business | tomorrow | private | hat | sharp | tobacco | across |
ring | receive | struck | on | jungle | studied | possible | travel | hang | say | particles | pencil | tell | interior | glass | slow | animal | slightly | brief | sell | fuel | pour | captain | motor | column | women | fighting | neighbor | care | wooden |
game | buffalo | capital | lying | discover | hay | choose | beneath | born | chain | settle | went | show | friendly | win | direct | pet | too | officer | science | us | progress | softly | income | begun | constantly | imagine | dirty | continued | highest |
blood | wife | volume | busy | steam | force | advice | breakfast | then | football | where | expression | sail | electric | apple | colony | basis | wheel | middle | wide | running | minerals | won | grandmother | breeze | term | paint | better | wrapped | either |
softly | doctor | chose | gentle | poem | tears | string | voice | separate | ask | escape | pitch | dark | mice | him | gentle | led | cause | ruler | wire | wish | private | born | silk | train | motor | younger | had | president | might |
matter | syllable | several | library | statement | voice | greatly | fun | there | thread | level | alike | pile | goes | various | body | coal | human | follow | more | exciting | welcome | full | castle | unknown | crew | since | expression | serious | from |
dig | orbit | sunlight | settle | chicken | central | wall | column | mission | gasoline | rays | slope | paid | cookies | exercise | angle | require | experiment | ring | riding | afternoon | tune | mathematics | branch | guard | start | ask | seems | master | |
ring | into | speed | word | various | pair | happy | grain | degree | sheep | taken | express | gravity | valuable | parallel | speak | mainly | label | men | is | observe | where | pressure | coming | manner | chief | baseball | captured | frighten | influence |
machinery | choose | village | suddenly | contain | hollow | thrown | coach | cat | as | fifteen | combine | rear | anyway | none | model | feed | block | appropriate | then | per | drew | quiet | wind | circus | possible | effort | plane | tongue | swept |
given | huge | change | principal | port | attack | saddle | mysterious | silver | many | frighten | possibly | cell | cold | they | nearly | machine | huge | wing | else | later | also | truth | broad | stay | telephone | wolf | even | longer | practice |
mother | golden | likely | took | breath | north | eleven | deeply | which | carried | careful | boy | wolf | bus | limited | floor | pencil | dish | climate | number | raw | dear | influence | tried | flow | observe | having | fifty | rocky | gradually |
putting | mill | cup | related | stuck | rather | line | leaf | radio | song | sum | daily | work | leave | very | plural | silver | treated | even | constantly | serve | changing | type | property | act | spirit | gift | sing | ill | else |
damage | fairly | breath | there | connected | ran | border | finger | laid | few | on | around | fairly | mix | attention | porch | plant | today | dawn | strange | our | measure | limited | least | brought | prove | continued | composed | symbol | tiny |
unknown | cook | fighting | price | swimming | image | best | sharp | fort | green | twenty | put | feel | game | sure | horse | production | attack | tea | around | fill | compass | explore | together | army | pack | strength | dirty | born | plus |
having | win | camera | notice | brief | score | want | process | sit | onto | body | low | boat | fifty | breathe | master | grown | opinion | replied | chamber | begun | enter | aloud | whole | below | flower | dollar | social | anyway | thee |
still | shut | dirt | airplane | accurate | couple | brass | bill | sent | beat | too | sale | shirt | mathematics | refer | globe | itself | six | worth | voyage | dot | wear | triangle | corner | charge | having | like | while | rope | hurry |
hung | alphabet | universe | rich | shinning | wear | noon | agree | continent | young | selection | pond | cook | buy | huge | movie | stick | rather | alone | regular | explain | missing | valley | notice | pink | settle | television | greatly | degree | |
tank | port | repeat | storm | recall | return | teacher | away | count | given | massage | partly | diagram | she | course | parts | of | mirror | stairs | swung | feathers | triangle | obtain | differ | among | plane | hidden | meat | same | carbon |
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